Speedrider 日本語 / English

Welcome to the Speedrider, where many "speedrider"s play Kirby Air ride for fast times. If you want to submit records, please follow me on Twitter, and send me a message with video proof.

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Machine Ranking
Bestlap Ranking
Time Evolution
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TimeCutter Ranking

Rank Player Gain
1 ryou 00:17:80
2 Gaea 00:11:67
3 secret 00:09:40
4 052 00:07:91
5 Luka 00:07:30
6 river 00:05:45
7 Yawara 00:04:22
8 Pico 00:03:64
9 Pac 00:02:27
10 Morax 00:01:70
11 romchou 00:00:97
12 kusupo 00:00:47
13 Jugoya 00:00:05

Time Evolution

Date Player Mode Course Machine Time Gain New Overall Time Video
2014-12-31 secret TA Celestial Valley Bike 02:22:75 00:78 7h 01:44:17
2014-12-26 Morax FR Celestial Valley Slick 00:40:45 01:35 7h 01:44:95
2014-12-26 secret FR Celestial Valley Warp 00:47:67 01:49 7h 01:46:30
2014-12-26 secret FR Celestial Valley Bike 00:48:31 00:51 7h 01:47:79
2014-12-26 Pico FR Celestial Valley Rocket 00:44:62 00:38 7h 01:48:30
2014-12-22 Pico FR Celestial Valley Rocket 00:45:00 00:25 7h 01:48:68
2014-12-11 ryou FR Celestial Valley Turbo 00:47:67 00:26 7h 01:48:93
2014-12-10 ryou FR Celestial Valley Bike 00:48:82 00:46 7h 01:49:19
2014-12-06 ryou FR Celestial Valley Formula 00:50:43 00:63 7h 01:49:65
2014-12-06 ryou TA Celestial Valley Winged 02:30:87 02:61 7h 01:50:28
2014-12-06 ryou FR Celestial Valley Warp 00:49:16 00:51 7h 01:52:89
2014-12-06 ryou TA Celestial Valley Warp 02:30:50 01:50 7h 01:53:40
2014-12-06 ryou FR Celestial Valley Shadow 00:50:80 00:26 7h 01:54:90
2014-12-06 ryou TA Celestial Valley Shadow 02:44:70 00:73 7h 01:55:16
2014-12-06 ryou FR Celestial Valley Rocket 00:45:25 00:03 7h 01:55:89
2014-12-06 ryou TA Celestial Valley Rocket 02:15:48 01:15 7h 01:55:92
2014-12-06 ryou FR Celestial Valley Rex 00:52:92 00:16 7h 01:57:07
2014-10-08 Pico FR Celestial Valley Wagon 00:49:18 01:10 7h 01:57:23
2014-10-03 Pico TA Celestial Valley Warp 02:32:00 00:26 7h 01:58:33  
2014-09-16 Pac FR Celestial Valley Shadow 00:51:06 00:44 7h 01:58:59
2014-09-11 secret FR Celestial Valley Warp 00:49:67 00:74 7h 01:59:03
2014-09-11 secret FR Celestial Valley Shadow 00:51:50 00:63 7h 01:59:77
2014-08-23 Luka TA Celestial Valley Turbo 02:24:03 05:17 7h 02:00:40  
2014-07-31 Morax FR Celestial Valley Slick 00:41:80 00:35 7h 02:05:57
2014-07-19 river TA Celestial Valley Scooter 01:56:31 03:22 7h 02:05:92
2014-07-11 Pac FR Celestial Valley Scooter 00:35:82 00:91 7h 02:09:14
2014-07-06 Gaea TA Celestial Valley Wagon 02:25:57 00:23 7h 02:10:05
2014-07-03 ryou TA Celestial Valley Swerve 02:30:46 04:57 7h 02:10:28
2014-06-25 Luka FR Celestial Valley Turbo 00:47:93 00:92 7h 02:14:85
2014-06-25 Luka TA Celestial Valley Turbo 02:29:20 01:21 7h 02:15:77
2014-06-22 romchou FR Celestial Valley Swerve 00:50:65 00:38 7h 02:16:98
2014-06-20 Gaea FR Celestial Valley Dedede 00:46:93 00:92 7h 02:17:36
2014-06-18 Pico TA Celestial Valley Jet 01:57:73 01:65 7h 02:18:28
2014-06-14 Yawara TA Celestial Valley Scooter 01:59:53 03:77 7h 02:19:93
2014-06-11 romchou FR Celestial Valley Swerve 00:51:03 00:59 7h 02:23:70  
2014-06-08 secret FR Celestial Valley Bike 00:49:28 00:39 7h 02:24:29
2014-05-30 secret TA Celestial Valley Bike 02:23:53 00:35 7h 02:24:68
2014-05-28 Gaea TA Celestial Valley Bike 02:23:88 00:72 7h 02:25:03
2014-05-19 Yawara TA Celestial Valley Scooter 02:03:30 00:45 7h 02:25:75
2014-05-06 river FR Celestial Valley Wagon 00:50:28 00:10 7h 02:26:20
2014-05-04 Gaea FR Celestial Valley Wagon 00:50:38 00:12 7h 02:26:30
2014-04-26 river TA Celestial Valley Wagon 02:25:80 02:13 7h 02:26:42
2014-04-20 Gaea FR Celestial Valley Dedede 00:47:85 00:28 7h 02:28:55
2014-04-20 Gaea TA Celestial Valley Dedede 02:27:53 01:93 7h 02:28:83
2014-04-19 Gaea TA Celestial Valley Dedede 02:29:46 04:49 7h 02:30:76
2014-04-19 Gaea FR Celestial Valley Dedede 00:48:13 01:00 7h 02:35:25
2014-04-19 Gaea TA Celestial Valley Dedede 02:33:95 01:98 7h 02:36:25
2014-04-13 Jugoya FR Celestial Valley Rex 00:53:08 00:05 7h 02:38:23
2014-03-28 secret TA Celestial Valley Rex 02:33:85 01:21 7h 02:38:28
2014-03-25 kusupo TA Celestial Valley Winged 02:33:48 00:47 7h 02:39:49
2014-03-15 052 TA Celestial Valley Bulk 02:37:73 05:77 7h 02:39:96
2014-03-05 ryou FR Celestial Valley Warp 00:50:41 00:44 7h 02:45:73
2014-03-01 ryou TA Celestial Valley Meta 02:47:75 03:90 7h 02:46:17
2014-03-01 ryou FR Celestial Valley Meta 00:54:11 00:59 7h 02:50:07
2014-02-26 052 FR Celestial Valley Rex 00:53:13 00:62 7h 02:50:66  
2014-02-10 secret TA Celestial Valley Bike 02:24:60 03:30 7h 02:51:28
2014-02-09 Pac FR Celestial Valley Shadow 00:52:13 00:92 7h 02:54:58
2014-01-18 052 FR Celestial Valley Bulk 00:49:35 01:52 7h 02:55:50